lev neiman dot com

New cats!

I finally got my own cats! Checkout Bagheera and Leon!

Bagheera and young LeonI love these two!Looking off into the distance!

Rijik & Stesha Pro

Finally got someone with professional camera to take pictures of Rijik & Stesha on NYE. Enjoy.

More Rijik and Stesha photos

Bringing life back into the "Rijik" series are more photos of my pussies. To recap: Rijik is the white male cat, and Stesha is the fatty colored female cat.

Rijik is evil!

Undeniable proof that my cat is evil (to strangers, mostly).

Rijik and Stesha playing with catnip

As promised, here is the first post in the "Rijik" series.  First up is a recent photo of my cat Rijik (the white one), and his neutered fat girlfriend/wife Stesha.  They are just hanging out on my carpet after rubbing their faces in a bunch of catnip.  Enjoy!